Adventures In Minecraft

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Apple Mac - Help


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To use Java you need to install a JDK

When starting the Minecraft Server, you receive the message To use the "java" command-line tool you need to install a JDK - this is because the Java Development Kit (JDK) isn’t install on your Mac.

you need to install a jdk

Click More Info... and follow the instructions, or download Mac OS JDK from Oracle’s website and install.

Error - Java needs to be updated

When starting the Minecraft Server, you receive Error - Java needs to be updated. - this is because your installed version of Java is less than 1.8.

You should download and install the Java 1.8 JDK for Mac OS X.

Java 1.8 JDK Download Page

Java 1.8 JDK Install Instructions

StartServer.command cannot be opened

When starting the Minecraft Server, you receive "StartServer.command" can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer .

unidentified developer

To run the server you should right click the file and choose Open with, Terminal.

open with terminal